Rapport de la commission Bipolar UK sur le diagnostic

Nov 29, 2022 | Évènements, Information bipolarité et dé-stigmatisation

We were proud to support our partners Bipolar UK in the launch of the Bipolar Minds Matter report at the House of Commons earlier this month. The report calls for improvements to the healthcare system which is currently failing millions living with bipolar.
Bipolar UK presented the full Bipolar Commission report at a parliamentary reception on 8 November 2022. This ‘Bipolar Minds Matter’ report calls for an immediate restructure of the healthcare system that is failing millions affected by bipolar, and puts forward the case for developing a dedicated care pathway so that people with bipolar can have access to specialist treatment and continuity of support over a lifetime. The full report includes the Bipolar Commissions recommendation’s and two appendices: ‘The impact of bipolar on women’ written by Dr Clare Dolman and ‘The economic impact of bipolar’ written by Professor Paul McCrone.