Today is #WorldMentalHealthDay and on this occasion we are launching a Video series of expert patient interviews and other educational materials, to raise awareness to #Bipolar disorders – Bipolar Bytes.

In this Bipolar Bytes video, we are pleased to have Mr. Renaud Maigne, CEO of the patient association Bipolarité France, founded in 2018, interview Ms. Helene Gabert about her life with #bipolardisorder. Renaud himself has lived with Bipolar disorders since the age of 20 and was diagnosed 16 years after his first symptoms.

Around 300M people in the world are affected by #depression. Studies show that up to 40% of them may be misdiagnosed and potentially bipolar. As a result, diagnosis is often delayed by an average of 7.5 years, worsening patients’ mental and physical conditions as well as their loved ones’ quality of life.

In this interview Renaud speaks to Helene about her life before and after being diagnosed. For Helene, being finally diagnosed meant, among other things, a change in her professional path and the launch of a career she is still pursuing to this day. Being Diagnosed sooner, she says, would have brought this change on a lot earlier.
ALCEDIAG and the #EDITB consortium members are committed to solving this diagnostic challenge by using specific #RNAediting based biomarkers and #artificialintelligence to validate and commercialize an accurate, reliable, and quick blood test to diagnose bipolar disorder.

* The people in this video are patient experts. All parties in this video have expressed their consent to be interviewed and for their interviews to be published.

Capital Region of DenmarkFundació Clínic per a la Recerca BiomèdicaFundació de Recerca Sant Joan de DéuGHU Paris psychiatrie & neurosciencesHospital Clínic de BarcelonaParc Sanitari Sant Joan de DeuProductLife GroupSYNLAB Internationalsynlab Italia srlEIT Health SpainEIT Health FranceEIT Health InnoStarsEduard VietaJosep Maria Haro, Lars Kessing, Chantal Henry

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